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A primary focus of Pilates is to strengthen and tone your body from the inside out. Pilates strengthens the deep muscles surrounding your abdomen and spine and improves your spinal stability which is a key factor in treating and preventing lower back pain, and many other injuries.

















Pilates is for everyone regardless of age or fitness levels. The focus is on correct form, while you determine the intensity of every movement.


Individual, small group Pilates classes and ante-and post natal classes are offered based on the APPI 

(The Australian Physiotherapy & Pilates Institute) method. This would be beneficial to those with current injuries, those recovering from injuries, and those with no injuries who are looking for a safe environment to practice in. The emphasis is on individual care and attention for each client.


Change happens through movement and movement heals.

-Joseph Pilates 



























One-on-One Pilates times:


Please contact me for individual one-on-one Pilates Sessions on 079 438 0858





          Group class times:  


            Monday             08:00 - 09:00

                                      09:00 - 10:00 

                                      17:00 - 16:00     


            Wednesday      08:00 - 09:00

                                      09:00 - 10:00 


            Thursday          09:00 - 10:00

                                      16:30 - 17:30


Rates 2025:


Group classes:

1 class a week: R650 per month (4 sessions per month)

2 classes a week: R1100 per month (8 sessions per month)


One-on-one matwork class:  R 550 (min 55 min) 



Please note:

* No classes during school holidays - Prices above take into consideration that the studio is closed during school holidays. 

No credits or refunds for missed classes/sessions and make-up classes only available in the month that you missed the class/session and limited to available openings as group classes have set times and limited space. Thank you for understanding. 

       What are the benefits of Pilates?

-A noticeable improvement in posture

-An ease in movement with improved balance

-Relief from stress and back pain

-Heightened body awareness

-Improved circulation from the deep breathing exercises

- Strength and flexibility, especially in the  spine and abdomen

-Improved co-ordination, both muscular and mental                         

-Teaches relaxation

If you have never done Pilates, an individual session is required before joining a group class. An assessment will be done and you will be taught the principles of Pilates during this session. If you are familiar with the Pilates principles, you will be able to start the group classes immediately.


     Payment options:

      Payment for classes can be made in cash or via EFT.


     Banking details:

      Liesl Pienaar

      ABSA Bank

      Account number: 4074809426

      Branch code: 632005


      Please e-mail proof of payment to



Contact or call 079 438 0858 if you are interested.



Accredited Momentum Multiply Fitness Assessment Practitioner


- Momentum Fitness tests are valid for 12 months

- 2024 Momentum Multiply fitness assessment cost R480.00

- Multiply fitness assessment tests can be taken 4 weeks apart, if member would like to improve their fitness level results.


12 Grandiflora Street, Protea Valley,

Bellville,Cape Town, 7530




Tel: 079 438 0858



For a quick reply; Please WhatsApp me on:

Tel: 079 438 0858 or complete info below.


Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri :   8am - 5pm 

​​Saturday :  Closed​

Sunday   :   Closed

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